Tooth Decay
Many different types of bacteria live in our mouths. With frequent snacking, drinking sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth efficiently these bacteria build a sticky film on your teeth called dental plaque.
When you eat and drink, the bacteria within your mouth reacts consumed sugars to creates acids. These acids remove minerals from the enamel, which if left untreated can cause tooth decay. BioMin® toothpaste products, contain scientifically developed bioactive glasses within their structure. These glasses are most effective when eating or drinking (under acid attack). The glasses in BioMin® toothpastes release minerals to repair your teeth.
Decay begins by dissolving the tooth enamel. Once the decay eats through the enamel hard outer layer of the tooth, the caries can progress rapidly into the softer dentine and may eventually reach the nerve (pulp) of the tooth resulting in considerable pain.
Uncontrolled decay may lead to the tooth been irretrievably damaged with a risk of developing into an abscess causing systemic infection within the body.
If you have any of the following symptoms this may indicate that you have signs of tooth decay;
To help prevent tooth decay (cavities or dental caries) BioMin Technologies recommend;